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Translation service in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2020-08-03Updated:2020-08-03
Similar words: consultation servicetranslationtranslationalmistranslationtranslational motionservice occupationsmachine translationlanguage translation
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1 We offer excellent translation service.
2 We will provide you the English-Chinese simultaneous translation service.
3 Please check with individual translation service providers for copyright information applicable to each provider's services.
4 Translation service range: written translation, interpret, seal, training, typewrite and dub .
5 For this reason, this translation service has published a stranded.
6 We Provide you with English interpretation and translation service with their quality guaranteed and price reasonable!
7 She has a good position in a local Translation Service.
8 Translation Service Center provides the service of multilingual translation of technical and non - technical literature.
9 I am running a translation service with some Taiwan University postgraduates.
10 FEC has also a translation centre that provides translation service and interpreters of many different languages.
11 For the deaf, welfare officers had to provide a communication and translation service where necessary.
12 The latter were treated with especial courtesy,[] being provided with the best seats and a translation service.
13 It doesn't refer to credibility - checking of original MSDS data in our MSDS Translation Service.
14 AD- EX Translations Worldwide is one of the world's best - known, best - reputed industrial and technical translation service company since 1957.
More similar words: consultation servicetranslationtranslationalmistranslationtranslational motionservice occupationsmachine translationlanguage translationtranslation processtranslation qualitytransport servicesimultaneous translationservice stationnational servicetranslativetranslatingnational park servicein-service trainingservice entrancenational weather servicehealth and human servicesNational Health Servicein-servicetranslateservice conditiontranslatertranslatortranslate toforeign serviceunserviceable
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